Want to get the ball rolling with your idea?

It’s never too early to reach out - no matter how much experience you have, or how far you are along your journey, we have support for you.

Whether you're selling a product or service, starting a company or non-profit, even if you're not 100% sure yet, take a look below at how we can help.

Apply for Audacious

If you’ve ever dreamed of the entrepreneur life, or you’re dead-set on solving a big problem that feels like no one else is trying to solve, Audacious is for you.

With each workshop dedicated to a different aspect of setting up a business or not-for-profit, you can perfect your idea, get great feedback, and go on to pitch for over $10k in cash and prizes available to help get your awesome ideas off the ground.

Who is Audacious for?

University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic students who want to make a positive impact - whether they’re planning on working in a company, starting their own business or still figuring it out.

Audacious is open to ALL areas of study.

You DO NOT need:

  • Prior business experience or a business major.

  • A profit-driven idea. Nonprofit and social enterprise are great too!

  • A team (although you can apply with one).

Grab a free meeting

Understand your next steps now

Looking for some 1-on-1 individualised support? You’re in the right place.

Startup Dunedin offers 15-minute meetings for anyone with an idea. It’s completely free, and can help identify your next steps.

News, Events & Funding

Hear about Dunedin startup news, events and funding with our newsletter!


We run and collate a variety of startup events in Dunedin. Come along to connect with other founders, learn and join the Dunedin startup community