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Co.Starters February 2020 Begins - Dunedin Startup Business Course

Co.Starters is a nine-week, action-driven, collaborative programme in Dunedin that equips aspiring entrepreneurs with the insights, relationships, and tools needed to turn business ideas into action. 

The programme is run with a small and supportive group of like-minded people and led by two experienced facilitators.

If you're in the early stages of starting something new, Co.Starters might be perfect for you.

When: Next programme starts February 4th, 2020 AT 5:30PM
Sessions for the next cohort will run on Tuesday evenings from 5:20pm-8:20pm, for nine weeks. 

Where: The Distiller, 20 Leith Bank St, North Dunedin (Corner with Forth St)

Key Details

  • 2 trained and experienced facilitators to guide you.

  • 7 guest speakers to learn from.

  • 9 weeks to develop your business.

  • 10-15 startup founders to share and collaborate with.

How does Co.Starters Work?

The course is led by two facilitators who guide you through the process of launching a business step-by-step. They demystify the daunting early stages of entrepreneurship with proven resources that allow you to test, iterate and move your business forward. In addition to having access to mentors, we invite guest speakers each week to shed insight on various aspects of running a business.

After The Programme...

You will have the skills and knowledge to start your business and know how to sustain it's growth.

Co.Starters is not an academic exercise; the aim of the course isn't to teach you how to start a business; it is to enable you to actually start one!


Programme Timeline

Week 1: Knowing Yourself (Assumptions, Working Styles, Team Building, Obstacles)

Week 2: Knowing Your Customer (Problem, Solution, Benefit, Competition, Advantage, Customer)

Week 3: Getting the Relationship Right (Marketing & Message; Getting, Keeping & Growing Customers)

Week 4: Building the Model to Scale (Starting Small, Distribution, Revenue, Typical Sale, Price)

Week 5: Strengthening Your Structure (Business Structures, Licenses, IP, Hiring)

Week 6: Discovering the Bottom Line (Startup & Ongoing Needs, Fixed & Variable Costs, Break-Event Point)

Week 7: Accounting for Growth (Break-Even Point, Sales Projections, Cash Flow, Accounting)

Week 8: Planning for the Future (Raising Capital, Growth Plans, Goal Setting, Pitch Prep)

Week 9: Pitch Night/Sharing Your Story

What is provided?

  • A comprehensive $150 workbook with templates that compliment each session.

  • Dinner at every session.

  • All stationery.

  • Two trained facilitators.

  • Seven guest speakers.

  • Nine weeks of transformation for you and your business idea.



I’ve got a brand new idea I haven’t started working on, is Co.Starters for me?

Yes, absolutely. Co.Starters will give you the tools, frameworks and support you need to get started. Whether you have some idea of how to start, or have no idea at all - Co.Starters will help you succeed.

I’ve been working on my business idea for a short while and have made some progress, is Co.Starters for me?

Yes, absolutely. Co.Starters will provide the action driven support and frameworks so you can understand your next steps and successfully execute on them.

I’m 4 years into my startup journey and am trying to figure out how to scale. Is Co.Starters for me?

No, not quite - but you should definitely check out The Challenger Series.

I’m not sure I can afford the $595 up front…

That’s okay. You may be able to apply for a payment plan or make another arrangement. Please reach out to

I want to talk to someone in person before committing to the nine weeks. Can I have a 15 minute call or in-person meeting to make sure it’s a fit for me?

Absolutely. Contact us to arrange a time.

Who are some Co.Starters Alumni I might have heard of?